Our Team

Kin Ng
Kin Ng has been a principal and lead Architectural designer for MJSA for over 20 years.
As a principal at MJSA, Kin has explored inventive and contextually exciting design solutions in response to site opportunities and user requirements. His intuitive approach to architecture is guided by his personal philosophy, which is best being described as being “respectful.” This “respect” is expressed and manifested in his details as well as the blending of spaces and materials that are activated by light.
Kin leverages his passion and abilities towards creating sustainable design solutions of substance and presence.

Michael J. Conroe
Michael’s greatest attribute is seeing potential in all that he does, whether it be an existing building, empty site or most recently how to structure an architectural firm. He is steadfast on breaking the norm of what the role of the architect has become. Michael believes that architects shouldn’t sit back and wait to be contacted to design a project. Rather they should be instrumental in bringing projects to be. Through this belief that architects should be more than designers he has worked as an owner, investor, developer and builder which has allowed him to thrive in each role and develop close relationships in each of the fields. Its these relationships that are the lifeblood that sustains MJSA. Michael’s Passion for Performing and Visual Arts facilities began during his Master’s Thesis and continues to this day as he has completed several dozen Performing and Visual Arts projects throughout his career.